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Thursday, 10 October 2013

Vitamins For Your Health

Vitamins belonging to the group B - a real treasure, concealing in its depths tons of vegetation for our minerals so, B1, B2 and B12 - essential vitamins for hair growth, B3 and B5 are responsible for healthy looking hair, thanks to B6 we do not have to use the shampoo against dandruff, lack of vitamin B8 resound abundant hair loss, and deficiency of vitamins B9 iV10 "guilty" that hair turns gray prematurely.

Vitamin C, in combination with other vitamins for hair, is of great importance for those vessels and capillaries that supply to the scalp valuable nutrients.
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Without him and would not have cost occurring in our body processes of absorption of many elements which are responsible for hair growth. Therefore, vitamin C can be attributed with certainty to the group of vitamins for the growth of hair.

Vitamin E is vital to the support of any hair, but especially in need long-haired charmer. This vitamin is one of the main leaders "of the transportation department", which controls the process of timely delivery of oxygen to the blood.

Its lack can dramatically reduce a person's immunity. Vitamin E helps restore weak, see complete package ( brittle and fragile hair.

Vitamin H, or biotin - with this serious companion is better not to joke. Deficiency of vitamin K may cause vitamin deficiency and, consequently, lower vitality of our hair.

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