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Thursday, 10 October 2013

Weight Above Normal

These cases allow us excellent results. In other cases, where the patient is with the weight above normal, the result will be compensatory and proportional to the rest of the body, but it is worth remembering that "excess fat" in other neighboring areas of the abdomen will still exist, the which leads us to advise them that they have to continue with a clinical treatment to balance the various parts together.

2) Abdominal pasty leaves very visible scar?

The scar resulting from an abdominal pasty located horizontally just above the pubic hair implantation, extending laterally to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the volume of the abdomen to be corrected.
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This scar is planned to be hidden under the bathing suits (there are cases where even the very "thong" may be used), and inevitably passed through several stages of evolution until maturity.

3) How long will attain the final result abdomen platy? In the first months, the abdomen is relatively insensitive, and be subject to periods of "swelling", which resolves spontaneously.

At this stage, you may be looking for "stretched" or "plan". Over the months, having started the exercises oriented modeling, will be gradually reaching the final outcome

Should never be regarded as a definitive result before 6 months postoperative.

4) It is true that will be a new navel in abdominal platy? No. Your navel is reinserted and I have enough treatments, if necessary, restored.

One should take into account that, surrounding the navel there is a scar that will suffer the same evolution of the scar below (described in the previous item).

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